Local Law 152:
Gas Inspections

Serving Brooklyn, NYC, Queens and the Bronx Since 1918

Local Law 152: Gas Inspections
in Brooklyn, NYC, Queens and the Bronx
Call 718-831-6090

fire sprinkler imgHarris Plumbing & Heating offers the inspection of gas piping systems throughout the NY Metro Area (Brooklyn, NYC, Queens and the Bronx) for the purposes of complying with NYCق€™s Local Law 152.

Local Law 152. (View PDF)
Local Law 152 requires the inspection of gas piping systems of all buildings at least once every four years. This includes exposed gas piping outside and inside the building, in boiler rooms, in all amenity and common spaces, rooftop mechanical spaces and publicly-accessible areas.

As of January 1, 2020, inspections are being organized by Community District - not by borough. Inspections must be performed and submitted once every 4 years, with different due date cycles for four groups of Community Districts:

  • January 1, 2020 ق€“ June 30, 2021*:
    Community Districts 1, 3, and 10 in all boroughs

  • January 1, 2021 ق€“ December 31, 2021:
    Community Districts 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all boroughs

  • January 1, 2022 ق€“ December 31, 2022:
    Community Districts 4, 6, 8, 9, and 16 in all boroughs

  • January 1, 2023 ق€“ December 31, 2023:
    Community Districts 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 in all boroughs

    • *This due date was extended in late 2020 due to COVID-19. Weق€™ll continue to track additional extensions, but itق€™s best to assume the schedule will follow the 12/31 due dates going forward.

As the law says, each Community District listed applies to that number for all boroughs at the same time (CD 1 in Manhattan, in the Bronx, etc.). If you don’t know which District your building is located in, reach out to our team ق€“ Harris Plumbing and Heating can provide you with your due date over the phone.

We’ve reached out to the DOB to confirm ق€“ you must submit your inspection as required by the above Community District due dates. You cannot submit inspections before the year they are due at this time. That means if you have several buildings across different Community Districts, you’ll have to submit inspections during the appropriately outlined year ق€“ and no earlier than that.

You may be asking what the penalties are for noncompliance of Local Law 152. In short:
A building owner who fails to submit a certification required to be submitted...on or before the filing due date specifiedق€ will be liable for a civil penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000)” (source: masterplumbingnyc.com)

For All of Your Gas Inspection Needs for Local Law 152 NYC, Contact Harris Plumbing & Heating.
For Same Day Service Call 718-831-6090

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